Potencia: 850 MW
Nivel del Estudio: Factibilidad
Ubicación: Río Coca - Prov. Napo/Sucumbíos
Fecha de Inicio de la Consultoría: Fase A: Febrero de 1986 Fase B: Abril 1990
Fecha de Finalización de la Consultoría: Fase A: Julio de 1988 Fase B: Agosto 1992
Monto Total de los Contratos: USD $11.997.299,3
Nombre de las Firmas Asociadas: Asociación ELECTROCONSULT (Italia), TRACTIONEL (Bélgica), RODIO (Italia) y ASTEC-INELIN-INGECONSULT-CAMINOS Y CANALES
Cliente: Instituto Ecuatoriano de Electrificación (INECEL)

The Coca Codo Sinclair hydroelectric project is in the provinces of Napo and Sucumbíos, in northeastern Ecuador, and taps the waters of the Coca River. The project is currently in its tender phase to prepare final designs and construction. If it is commissioned, it will be the country’s largest hydroelectric project, with an installed power of 1,500 MW.

ASTEC, along with the other consulting firms in the association, has made the drawings at the advanced feasibility level for bypass works, complementary works, dams, surge tank, power station, access roads, hydromechanical and electromechanical equipment, civil works and substations, and study of the transmission line.

ASTEC also performed the field and laboratory studies, work and research on the environmental impact, determining costs and budgets, programming works, methodology of construction, and financial project evaluation.
Main Characteristics of the Project:
  •  Concrete dam (height): 38.1m
  • Length of main spillway: 110.0 m
  • Length of auxiliary spillway: 66.0 m
  • Maximum capacity: 20,000 m3/s
  • Conduction tunnel: 24.9 km (63.50 m3/s)
  •  Check dam:
    • Core dam (maximum height): 53.50 m
    • Total volume of the dam: 812,103 m3
    •   Usable volume: 530,103 m3
  • Penstock:
    • Design flow rate: 80.25 m3/s
    • Section of concrete: 1,418.70 m long by 4.50 m in diameter.
    •  Shielded Section: 425 m long by 4.2 m diameter.
  • Powerhouse:
    •  Number of groups: 3 Pelton
    •  Net head: 609 m
    •  Installed power: 432 MW
  • Discharge tunnel: 643.30 m long by 5.80 m in diameter.

  • Transmission line: 150 km (230 kV)

ASTEC @ 2009